
Monday, July 22, 2013

Ryan "I Constantly Inhale my own GAS" Braun
Braun: "We Won".. "It's about the Truth".. BULL$HIT YOU FRAUD!
Man, this is amazing! Ryan Braun, "The Hebrew Hammer", nothing but a total fraud! Wow...

Then, of all things, this guy talks about it as if it were over and done with.. "Relieved" that he can put this behind him... Um, wait, how's that really possible? Has the history of PEDs being used in Major League Baseball led him to believe he'll be free of this stigma now that he's "Come Clean"? What a stupid, ignorant & arrogant thing to say! This guy's been living in the stink of his own rear end! Talk about being me, me me!

Did it leave Mark McGuire? Alex Rodriguez? Jose Canseco? Roger Clemens? Jason Giambi?

He really thinks this is done with? Maybe in Milwaukee but not the rest of the League's fans will be so lenient..

It's pretty telling when he said ‘‘We won,’ because the truth is on my side. The truth is always relevant, and at the end of the day, the truth prevailed.’’

Did it? Did it really prevail? I'm sure Biogenisis isn't the ONLY outfit he used and/or explored to roid up.. Maybe we'll find out in the future.. Probably not.. This guy's head is really in the clouds!

And "We won? We? Who? The Fans in Milwaukee..?

The Braun fans all over the world..?

Child fans (of Baseball in general) all over the world?

Did they win? Oh, right, they don't matter.. It's all about Braun! He "Came Clean" so we should give him a bouquet of kisses and hugs when he gets back for 2014... What an arrogant you know what!

And  ‘‘because the truth is on my side. The truth is always relevant, and at the end of the day, the truth prevailed.’’... Did it really? He sounds like he had this secret to tell but how did that work out in 2011? He was defiant and then after the "Spoiled Sample" tripe started he became even more defiant trying to stick it back to good 'ol boy Bud Selig.. Well, if anything, the truth came back to bite Braun in the ASS!
This guy is either so much like Manny Ramirez that he's just totally aloof, which I doubt as he seems articulate and johnny on the spot when interviewed.. OR he just has monster eggs, large enough to have wheel around in a wheel burrow!

I'm starting to hate star athletes.. I wish they could all be like Mariano Rivera, Dustin Pedroia... I don't know, having a hard time comparing and coming up with other star players like Pedroia or Rivera.. I guess they're not out there anymore.. Maybe we just need to enjoy the ones that are left and hope that the future sends us a better breed of star athlete, one with a solid sense of morality (doesn't have to be perfect).. The probablility of this happening is very, very, very slim..

 BTW - Ryan Braun, if you read this: Suck on your own shit AND LIVE you scumbag!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Looking for meaning...

 Life is spent looking for meaning in things, we look for answers to all of the why's in life, and none of those "Why's" are bigger than "Why are we here?"...

 I don't claim to have the answer but I feel like the answer isn't suppose to be known, instead, it's suppose to be felt at different times in life to keep you going...

 When questioning your existence just do yourself a favor and get out into nature, look at the trees budding, listen to all of the other life out there... If you are truly taking it in you may have one of those "I Feel It" moments...

 Sometimes that's all we need...

Squeeging my 3rd eye clear; Energy/Soul & Charisma

 I wasn't sure what to put down on this blog today and I feel compelled to put fingers to keys and develop something, so, let's go to Stoner Thoughts...

 People with Charisma... What makes them special?  Sometimes I feel like I have a taste of it and most other times I feel like an Average Joe... When sitting back and dwelling on it I've come up with this theory; These people have more energy in them... I know it sounds almost too simplistic but it does explain the energy level of charismatic people who are successful (not saying successful in positive things only, successful in obtaining what they want and/or need).

 What are the possibilities of this type of scenario? Look at Hitler.. I know it's not the best choice to start off but there really is a point to me using him as my first example; Hitler was for all intents and purposes a "NERD"... The Mustache, the chip on his shoulder, the unresolved issues in that man's head, everything about the man - Not someone I'd have picked to be charismatic at first glance, but...he had something! He had something that's not yet quantifiable in science or math (that I know of, and I'm by no means good at or highly educated in either discipline) so how do we figure out what he had? Charisma was obviously a big part of it.. The man could speak in public forums and have people eating out of his hand... I don't get it but I understand that the people were all looking for something to believe in and, well, here came Hitler and the rest was history (sound familiar? What about Jesus? A time when people were looking for purpose, looking for meaning and along comes a very influential figure, a charismatic man, who most people want to believe in and, like most of us, throw all of our eggs in that one basket and run with it)..

 Anyhow, the mystery itself is where did this Charisma come from? Is it something developed while growing up? I doubt that as some of these Charismatic types seemed to have no so good childhoods (and we all know we develop most of what we are/know in the first 9 to 12 years of life, the most important time) they still develop this Charisma... You'd think that developing a trait this powerful would take some type of positive development, then again... Look at Hitler... Somehow he developed it and grew up feeling shunned and hating just about everyone around him (and wanted to be an artist).. Did that hatred, that angst fuel the building process? I guess it could... I've carried grudges and they've consumed me at those times but never gave me extra charisma (if anything it made me less appealing to be around).. So, what's the real difference here?

 I'm sure there are a million things we could analyze but we'd still come up with a big question mark... How did it all happen? Like any other theory out there for anything it's still just a theory and, like anyone else who's had a theory on anything, I like mine:

 We're born with a certain amount of energy (call it soul or whatever, whatever makes our hearts beat and keeps up going) and I think that some have more energy or, better yet, have a more developed soul which, in turn, has an effect on their physical being....

 Maybe, maybe not... It's just an opinion...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Another Rant; Unions, Politicians, Fear Mongering and the "Economy"!

.. Unions SUCK! People who get all wrapped up in Union Politics suck as well... When are we going to learn that anything that's bigger than any one of us isn't exactly going to look out for our individual best interests? Unions have agendas too and the leaders in each union have the same "Fevered Egos" that most politicians do (and politicians suck even more)!

 If politician's tongues are in our asses their hands are in our wallets taking every last dollar we have in the name of "Economy" (Local, national, Global or whatever other concept of economic fear mongering they can unload on us)...

 There's a frigged up concept as well, "The Economy"... Ooooh, you better be good to the economy or it'll crash and America will crumble as a result.. Oh Please! What a crock of absolute shit! I'm taking the Snake Plisken approach and want to see an economic "Reset" button pushed! Let devalue the dollar until it's worthless so we can bring down the Billionaires to our level.. Let them worry about getting food on the table! Let them worry about paying the mortgage! "Oh, but they have that money because they work harder!".. Really? Does ANYONE really believe that crock of Shit? Really? They do have drive, that much I'll give them, but they don't work any harder than the average Joe.. In the beginning they do allot of work until the ship is moving on it's own and then, after steady profits and regular expansion, they get greedier and greedier until the point comes where enough is just not enough! They want to accumulate ALL the money like this is a Monopoly game.. So they have bragging rights with their other Billionaire friends while the other 90 plus percent are barely getting by or starving to death and homeless!

 What does this say about people in general? Do I have this ability/capability? Would I be that greedy? I won't say yes and I can't say no... I'm Human and I really don't know what would happen or what I'd do if put in a position to make Oil Baron money or run Haliburton/Microsoft or even Walmart! Maybe I'd do the same thing, become one of the "Good 'ol Boys" and just do, be, to become of of THEM.... I just don't know...

 What do I know? I know this (and it's only my opinion based on what I see and feel on this concept):
  • People, in general, are greedy (and I think this is just something that was never weened out of use during evolution.. I think we become greedy due to an animalistic instinct we still have that came from million(s) of years of evolution from a single celled organism to life in the sea as some sort of living creature to becoming a creature of the land to primates to what we are now... We aren't as different from those less evolved creatures as we think.. We retained that Self Preservation side to the point we go above and beyond and it turns from Self Preservation to Greed... Do we need a Billion dollars? No, hell no! Do we need to buy food and pay bills, yes, absolutely! But we don't need to over-do things... Somehow that's where these people end up.. They may have started out to better their lives in one way or another and became successful... Success is great but hoarding money as a result is just awful.. It shows how un-evolved we really are and makes me think we're not the inheritors of Earth, we're just place holders until a better species or more evolved version of us just shows up...
  • Americans feel entitled to everything... We think because our neighbor has X we need to have it too or go out of our way for the better product in Y... Is it a game or is it just Ego and Greed? We have Piss-Poor examples on Americans, of humanity, on TV every day.. 
  • Look no further than Reality TV shows or ESPN or CNN/MSNBC for examples of American "Trash"... We are sheep at the mercy of a handful of wolves who distort our realities using Media sources like TV, Newspapers, Radio and other forms of print to herd us into the direction of the "Next Big Thing" so that we can pony up our money and place into their pockets (with a nice little chunk to go into Uncle Sam's pocket.. One hand has to grease another, that's why the Government doesn't care what we spend money on as long as it's being spent! Uncle Sam has an Incestious relationship with the Billionaires who, in most cases, are one in the same anyway... Our Money = Two Birds w/One Stone!
  • We are an individualistic society that has been lulled into believing that money is our God and that we have to make allot of it to succeed, to be real... Think about this, all our childhood lives our parents feed us on our own plate... You might think that to be trivial but think about it after this; The Chinese people, as part of their culture, give each family member a bowl of rice which is just a base for their meal.. They then put out ONE plate in which their WHOLE family SHARES from... Something so small goes so far in their culture... They don't have issues w/obesity and they work together much better than Americans do.. This style of eating is done in Poor, Middle Class and Rich households by the way... Go figure... Maybe it's time for America to reevaluate our own culture and get back to basics...
 So, getting back to the beginning, Union heads, Politicians, the Rich and even Obese people all have one thing in common.... GREED.... It's never enough... If they submit to that feeling, that desire, that WANT (not need) or Compulsivity, could we say they are "Less Evolved"? If that's not the case and even I would act greedy if given the chance, then I say we're doomed as a species! It's a sad thought but with plenty of "Sore Thumbs" sticking out, everywhere we look, how do we overcome it? How do we evolve, come together and just live and love with one another?

That's all I have to say about the matter!